Are Sports Rigged?: Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Favorite Games

Could your favorite sport be rigged? Discover the shocking history of match-fixing, scandals, and the dark side of professional sports.

In this blog post, I will share my thoughts on this topic and give some examples of sports that have been suspected of being rigged in some way.


The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat – sports ignite our passions. We trust in the integrity of the game, believing the outcome is determined solely by skill and chance.

But what if that trust is misplaced? From point-shaving scandals to suspicious calls, whispers of rigged sports have long plagued the athletic world.

This article digs deep, examining the evidence and exploring the unsettling question: are the games we love truly fair?

What Is Sports Rigging?

Okay, so we try our best to win when we play games. Sometimes, some not-so-nice people try to cheat and make someone else win even if they don’t deserve it. That’s called sports rigging! It’s like when someone secretly helps their friend win a race, even if their friend is not the fastest.

A group of enthusiastic sports fans holding foam fingers, megaphones, and signs at a sports event. (Are Sports Rigged)
Fans show their unwavering support for their team at a sports event. But the question remains, are sports rigging?

Are Sports Rigged

One of the most debated questions among sports fans is whether sports are rigged. Some people believe that certain sports are manipulated by powerful forces, such as the media, the sponsors, the leagues, or the gamblers, to create more drama, excitement, and profit.

Others argue that sports are fair and honest and that the players’ and teams’ skill, effort, and luck determine the outcomes. 

First, it is important to distinguish between different types of sports and how external factors can influence them. Some sports are more prone to corruption and manipulation than others, depending on the nature and structure of the sport. For example:

  1. WWE: 
    • This is not a sport but a form of entertainment that involves scripted matches and predetermined outcomes. The wrestlers are actors who perform according to the storyline and the audience’s reactions.
    • The WWE does not hide that it is a show; it even has a term for its fictional reality: kayfabe. Therefore, I do not consider WWE to be rigged but rather a spectacle.
  2. Tennis: 
    • This sport relies on individual performance and skill but can also be susceptible to match-fixing and betting scandals. There have been cases where players have deliberately lost points or games or withdrawn from tournaments to influence the result or the odds. It can be done for various reasons, such as financial gain, personal favor, or coercion.
    • Match-fixing in tennis is hard to detect and prove, as it can be disguised as a bad day or an injury. However, some investigations and sanctions have been conducted against players who have been found guilty of this practice.
  3. Horse Racing: 
    • This sport involves many factors, such as the horses, the jockeys, the trainers, the owners, and the bettors. There have been instances where horses have been drugged, swapped, or injured to affect their performance, or jockeys have been bribed or coerced to ride a certain way.
    • The betting market also influences horse racing, as some people may try to manipulate the odds or create insider information.
    • Horse racing has a long history of corruption and controversy, and it is often regulated by authorities and organizations to ensure its integrity.

These are just some examples of sports that have been accused of being rigged in some way. However, this does not mean all sports are rigged, or matches are fixed. There may be many honest and fair players, officials, and organizations who strive to uphold the integrity and spirit of sports.

Ultimately, it depends on your perspective and judgment to decide whether you trust the sports you watch.

Professional Sports Are RIGGED by Sportsbooks

Why Would Anyone Do That?

Hmm, good question! Sometimes, people want to win lots of money or get famous quickly. They might try to make things go their way, even if it’s unfair. Imagine if you could always eat your favorite candy without anyone knowing – wouldn’t that be sneaky?

Famous Cases of Rigged Games

Oh, you won’t believe some of these stories! There was once a big basketball game where someone tried to ensure one team won by doing secret stuff. And guess what? They got caught! 🏀 There are other stories, too, like in a soccer game where players pretended to fall and acted hurt to trick the referees.

How Does It Happen?

Picture this: You’re playing a game with your friends, and one friend says, “Let’s make a rule that I always get the first turn.” That wouldn’t be fair. Sometimes, people who organize games can secretly change the rules or pay players to do things that help one team more than the other.

The Sneaky Schemers

Imagine if you and your friend were playing hide and seek, and your friend told you exactly where they were hiding. That would be weird. In sports, some people might give away secrets or do things behind the scenes to help someone win. It’s like being a sneaky ninja!

What About Fair Play?

Playing games should always be fun and fair. It’s like when we take turns playing with our toys – everyone gets a chance to have fun. Rigging games isn’t nice because it takes away the fun and makes things unfair.

How to Spot Rigged Games?

Spotting rigged games is like finding a hidden treasure! Sometimes, if a team always wins by a lot or if the referees make strange decisions, it could be a clue that something fishy is going on. It’s like being a detective, looking for clues to solve a mystery!

Can We Stop It?

Yes, we can! People who love games and sports want to keep them fun and fair for everyone. So, they work hard to catch the sneaky cheaters and stop them from ruining the fun. It’s like having superheroes who protect the games.

Further Reading:

  • Gents Sports Shoes: This article discusses the different types of sports shoes available for men, including running shoes, basketball shoes, and tennis shoes.
  • Sports Clothes Fails: This article highlights some of the most embarrassing and hilarious sports clothes fails, including wardrobe malfunctions and fashion disasters.
  • Sports Bra Pokies: This article discusses the issue of “pokies”, or visible nipples, when wearing a sports bra and offers tips on preventing this from happening.

Why Should We Care?

We should care because games teach us important stuff, like teamwork and doing our best. When games are rigged, it’s like someone is telling a fib, and that’s not nice. Wouldn’t it be boring if you always knew who would win? It’s more exciting when we don’t know!

The Good News

Guess what? Most games are played fairly, and many people are ensuring that. They want us to have fun and learn while playing. So, even though there are some sneaky people, games are usually a blast!

What do you think? Do you believe that sports are rigged? If so, which ones and why? If not, how do you explain the controversies and anomalies that occur in some sports? I would love to hear your opinion in the comments section below. 😊


Wow, we learned a lot today, didn’t we? We found out that some not-so-nice people try to cheat in games, but there are awesome folks who make sure games stay fun and fair. Playing together and cheering for everyone is the best way to enjoy games!

Continue Reading to Dart Spots Pro for all about dart board and other games or for more about Sports.


Can games be rigged? Some people try to rig games, but many others work hard to keep them fair and fun!

Why do people want to cheat? Some want to win quickly or get lots of money, but cheating isn’t cool!

How can we tell if a game is rigged? Sometimes, strange things happening in a game might be a clue, but most games are fair and exciting.

Do people get in trouble for rigging games? Oh, yes! If they get caught, they might be punished, just like if you break a rule at home.

Why do games teach us good stuff? Games are like awesome teachers! They show us how to work together and have fun at the same time.

Alright, at the end of our super cool adventure into sports rigging. Remember, play fair, cheer for everyone, and enjoy all the fun games that make our world a better place.

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