🎯 Let’s Play Dart Board Game Cricket: A Beginner’s Guide

Learn the rules, strategies, and tips to improve accuracy and score more points. Whether playing solo or with a team, this game is perfect for family and friends. Read on and discover the fun!

Have you ever played a game of cricket with darts? It’s a fun and exciting game you can play with friends and family. In this guide, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about playing darts and board game cricket, from the rules to the strategies.

What is the dart board game cricket?

Cricket is a game that is played on a standard dart board with two or more players. The competition aims to score points by hitting certain board areas while blocking your opponent from scoring points.

Where to Aim in Cricket

Players must aim for specific targets on the board to score points in game cricket. Here are the marks and rules explained in bullet points:

  • Targets: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and the bullseye
  •  Points are only awarded for hitting these specific targets.
  •  Other areas on the board need to score points.
  •  Each target can be scored multiple times to increase the player’s score.
  •  The bullseye is worth more points than any other target on the board.
  •  The outer bullseye (the ring around the bullseye) is worth fewer points than the inner bullseye.
  •  Players can block their opponents from scoring on specific targets by hitting them multiple times before their opponent has a chance to score on them.

How to score

In the dartboard game cricket, you score points by hitting the numbers marked on the board. The outer ring (sometimes called the “double ring”) counts as double the value of the number, while the inner ring (sometimes called the “triple ring”) counts as triple the matter of the number.

The center of the board is called the bullseye, and hitting the outer ring counts as 25 points while hitting the inner bullseye counts as 50 points.

Dart Game Cricket Rules


The goal of Cricket is to:

  1. Close out all the target numbers (15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and the bullseye) before your opponent.
  2. Accumulate more points than your opponent.

How to Close Out Numbers

  • You close out a number by hitting it three times. This can be done in various ways:
    • Three singles
    • One single and one double
    • One triple


  • Once you’ve closed out a number, you “own” it. Any additional hits on your “owned” number count as points.
  • Example: If you close out the number 20, and then hit a triple 20, you score 60 points.


The winner is the player who:

  • Closes out all the target numbers and has the highest score.
  • Important: If you close out all the numbers but your opponent has a higher score, you must continue scoring until you are in the lead.


  1. Each player throws three darts per turn.
  2. Players alternate turns, trying to close out the numbers or score points on numbers they already own.


  • Standard Cricket: The basic rules outlined above.
  • Cut-throat Cricket: If you own a number and your opponent hits it, your ownership is nullified. This adds another layer of strategy.
  • No-Score Cricket: A simplified version where the only focus is on closing out numbers; no points are tallied.


  • Start by focusing on closing out the higher numbers (20, 19, 18) as they offer the highest scoring potential.
  • If you’re falling behind in points, you can strategically try to close out numbers your opponent has already hit.
  • The bullseye is often a key target, as it can be closed fairly quickly.
Dart Board Game Cricket
Image source: Canva

How to win the game

To win the game, you must hit all six numbers and have them marked before your opponent does. You can also win by scoring a certain number of points, depending on the variation of the game you are playing.

To truly enjoy the game of cricket with darts, it is crucial to have the correct dartboard setup. The position of the dartboard, the throwing distance, and the height are all key factors that can significantly impact your gameplay. 

Our detailed guide on dart board setup provides step-by-step instructions and illustrations, ensuring you have the ideal design for an optimal playing experience.

Advanced rules

Scoring doubles and triples

In-game cricket, you can score double or triple the points by hitting the outer or inner ring of the number you are aiming for. For example, if you hit the triple 20, you would score 60 points instead of 20.

The strategy of blocking

One of the strategies in a cricket game is to block your opponent from scoring points. This is done by hitting a number that your opponent has not yet hit, and then continuing to hit that number until your opponent hits it as well. This can prevent your opponent from scoring points and give you an advantage.

The strategy of chasing

Another strategy is to chase your opponent. This is done by hitting a number that your opponent has already hit, and then continuing to hit that number until you have hit it more times than your opponent. This can help you catch up to your opponent’s score and possibly win the game.

Tips for playing

How to improve your accuracy

To improve your accuracy in cricket, practice throwing the darts at the same spot on the board each time. You can also use a throwing technique that works best for you, whether it’s standing still or taking a step forward before throwing.

How to strategize with your team

If you’re playing dart board game cricket with a team, communicate with your teammates to come up with a strategy. For example, one player can focus on blocking while another player focuses on chasing.

Common mistakes to avoid

Focusing on the wrong numbers

One common mistake is focusing too much on one number and neglecting the other numbers. It’s important to aim for all six numbers to win the game.

For more about How Far Do You Stand Away From DartBoard?

Not blocking or chasing when necessary

Another mistake is not using the blocking or chasing strategies when they could be beneficial. Make sure to use these strategies when necessary to gain an advantage over your opponent.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can you play dart board game cricket with more than two players?
    • Yes, you can play with as many players as you want.
  2. Can you mark different numbers on the dartboard for cricket?
    • Yes, you can choose any six numbers to mark.
  3. How do you keep score in game cricket?
    • Each time a player hits a number, they mark it with an “X” or a circle.
  4. What happens if you hit a number that has already been marked?
    • If you hit a number that has already been marked, you do not score any points.
  5. How do you win a dart board cricket game?
    • You win by hitting all six numbers and having them marked before your opponent does, or by scoring a certain number of points.
  6. What is the difference between the outer ring and the inner ring on the dartboard?
    • The outer ring counts as double the value of the number, while the inner ring counts as triple the value of the number.
  7. Can you play cricket with a handicap?
    • Yes, you can give a handicap to a player who is less skilled by allowing them to start with some numbers already marked.

For more reading about the Dartboard Reviews & Guide, and more about Dart Sports Pro.


Cricket game for a dartboard is a fun and exciting game that you can play with your friends and family. Remember to aim for all six numbers and use the blocking and chasing strategies to gain an advantage over your opponent. Practice your accuracy and come up with a strategy with your team if you’re playing with others. Give it a try and see how much fun you can have!

If you enjoyed this guide, please share it with your friends and leave a comment below with your thoughts or any questions you may have. Happy playing!

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