7 Easy Dart Games to Play with Your Friends

Discover the fun of easy dart games! Our guide offers a variety of simple and enjoyable dart games perfect for beginners and casual players. Learn the rules, strategies, and tips to enhance your dart-playing experience with friends. Start your dart adventure today!

Darts is a fun and challenging game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Whether you want to practice your aim, compete with your friends, or have some fun, there are many dart games that you can play with a standard dartboard and a set of darts. For more reading about standing distance for throwing darts.

In this article, we will introduce you to seven dart games suitable for beginners and casual players. These games are:

  1. Cricket
  2. 301
  3. Around the World
  4. Killer Darts
  5. Scram
  6. Shanghai
  7. Halve-It

We will explain the rules and objectives of each game, as well as some tips and variations to make them more interesting. Let’s get started!

A dartboard mounted on a wall. (Easy Dart Games)

Seven Easy Dart Games

1. Cricket

Cricket is one of the most famous dart games in the World, especially in the US and the UK. It is a game of strategy and scoring, where you must hit certain numbers on the board and prevent your opponent from doing the same.

The numbers used in cricket are 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, and the bullseye. The goal is to “close” or “own” these numbers by hitting them three times each. You can close a number by hitting it once in the single zone, twice in the double ring, or thrice in the triple ring. 

Once you close a number, you can score points on it by hitting it again, as long as your opponent has yet to close it. The game ends when one player closes all the numbers and has more points than the other player.

To play cricket, you need a scoreboard with two columns for each player and rows for each number. You can use slashes (/) and Xs to mark how many times you hit each number. For example, if you hit 20 twice, you write /X in your column for 20. If you hit it again, you circle the X to indicate that you have closed it.

A scoreboard for dartboard cricket game.

The order of play is determined by throwing one dart at the bullseye. The closest dart to the center goes first. Each player throws three darts per turn. If you hit a number already closed by both players, it counts as a miss.

Cricket is a game that requires both accuracy and strategy. It would help if you decided which numbers to focus on and when to switch from closing to scoring. You must also monitor your opponent’s progress and try to block them from scoring on their open numbers.

Some variations of cricket are:

  • Cut-Throat Cricket: In this version, the points you score are added to your opponent’s total instead of yours. The winner is the one with the lowest score at the end.
  • No Score Cricket: In this version, there are no points involved. The winner is simply the one who closes all the numbers first.
  • Wild Card Cricket: In this version, you can choose one number from 1 to 20 as your wild card before the game starts. This number acts as an extra number that you can close and score on.

2. 301 Dart Game

301 is another classic easy dart games that is easy to learn and play. It is a game of subtraction, where you have to reduce your score from 301 to zero before your opponent does.

To play 301, each player starts with 301 points. Each player throws three darts per turn and deducts the total score from their remaining points. The first part of each player must hit a double (the outer ring of the board) to start counting down. The last part of each player must also hit a double (or the bullseye) to finish the game.

If you reduce your score to exactly zero with a double or a bullseye, you win the game. If you reduce your score below zero or end up with one point left, you bust, and your score resets to what it was before your turn.

301 is a game that requires both skill and luck. You have to be accurate enough to hit doubles consistently and avoid busting. You also have to be lucky enough to hit the right double when you need it.

Some variations of 301 are:

  • 501: In this version, each player starts with 501 points instead of 301.
  • Double In, Double Out: In this version, every dart must hit a double or a bullseye, not just the first and last ones.
  • Master Out: In this version, the last dart must hit a double or a triple (the inner ring of the board), not just a double or a bullseye.

3. Around the World

Around the World is a fun and easy dart game for any number of players.It is a game of progression, where you must hit every number on the board in sequence from 1 to 20.

To play Around the World, each player takes turns throwing one dart at a time. The first player starts by aiming for 1 on the board. If they hit it, they move on to 2 on their next turn. If they miss, they stay on 1 until they hit it. The game continues until one player hits 20, and the bullseye completes the round.

The winner is the one who finishes the round first. You can also keep track of how many darts each player takes to finish the round and compare them at the end.

Around the World is a game that helps you improve your aim and familiarity with the board. You have to hit every number on the board, not just the ones you are used to. You must also adjust your aim quickly as you move from one number to the next.

Some variations of Around the World are:

  • Reverse Around the World: In this version, you start from 20 and go backward to 1 and then the bullseye.
  • Random Around the World: In this version, you use a random number generator or a spinner to determine which number you must hit next instead of following the sequence.
  • Cricket Around the World: In this version, you only use the numbers 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, and the bullseye, and follow the same rules as cricket.

4. Killer Darts

Killer Darts is a fun and exciting dart game that can be played by three or more players. It is a game of elimination, where you must hit your opponents’ numbers and avoid getting hit by theirs.

To play Killer Darts, each player throws one dart at the board with their non-dominant hand to determine their number. The number must be between 1 and 20 and cannot be shared by two players. Each player writes their number and name on a piece of paper and sticks it on the board.

Each player starts with three lives. Each player throws three darts per turn and tries to hit their own number or their opponents’ numbers. If you hit your own number, you become a killer. If you hit an opponent’s number, you take away one of their lives. If you lose all your lives, you are out of the game.

The winner is the last player with at least one life.

Killer Darts is a game that requires both accuracy and strategy. You have to hit your own number to become a killer and then target your opponents’ numbers to eliminate them. You also have to avoid getting hit by other killers and protect your own number.

Some variations of Killer Darts are:

  • Blind Killer: In this version, you do not know your or your opponents’ numbers until you hit them.
  • Double Killer: In this version, you have to hit a double of your own number or your opponents’ numbers to become a killer or take away a life.
  • Team Killer: In this version, you play in teams of two or more players and share the same number and lives.

5. Scram

Scram is a fast-paced and competitive dart game that can be played by two players or two teams of players. It is a game of offense and defense, where you must score points on your target number and prevent your opponent from doing the same.

To play Scram, each player or team chooses a target number between 15 and 20. The order of play is determined by throwing one dart at the bullseye. The closest dart to the center goes first.

Each player or team throws three darts per turn. The first dart must hit its target number to activate it for scoring. The second and third darts can hit any number on the board for scoring. The points are added up according to the value of the numbers and multiplied by two if they are in the double ring or by three if they are in the triple ring.

The other player or team can block or scramble the scoring by hitting the same target number as their opponent with their first dart. This cancels out any points scored by their opponent on that turn.

The game ends when one player or team reaches a predetermined score, such as 200 or 300 points.

Scram is a game that requires both skill and speed. You must hit your target number quickly and accurately to score points and block your opponent from scoring. You must also be flexible and adaptable as you switch from offense to defense.

Some variations of Scram are:

  • Bullseye Scram: In this version, both players or teams use the bullseye as their target number instead of choosing one between 15 and 20.
  • Double Scram: In this version, both players or teams have to hit a double of their target number with their first dart to activate it for scoring.
  • Triple Scram: In this version, both players or teams have to hit a triple of their target number with their first dart to activate it for scoring.
IMPROVE Your Darts With These Games, 5 Best Dart Games For Beginners

6. Shanghai Dart Game

Shanghai is a simple and fun dart game that can be played by any number of players. It is a game of luck and skill, where you must hit the highest possible score on each number from 1 to 20.

To play Shanghai, each player takes turns throwing three darts at the board. The first round starts with 1 as the target number, the second round with 2, and so on until the 20th round with 20. The goal is to hit the highest possible score on each number with your three darts. 

For example, if you hit a triple 1, a single 1, and a miss, your score for the first round is 4. If you hit a double 2, a single 2, and a miss, your score for the second round is 6.

The winner is the one who has the highest total score at the end of the game. However, there is a shortcut to win the game instantly. If you hit a single, a double, and a triple of the same number in one round, you achieve a Shanghai and win the game regardless of your previous score.

Shanghai is a game that tests your accuracy and consistency. You have to hit every number on the board, not just the ones you prefer. You must also aim for the highest possible score on each number, not just any score. And, of course, you have to hope for a lucky Shanghai to end the game in style.

Some variations of Shanghai are:

  • Reverse Shanghai: In this version, you start from 20 and go backward to 1.
  • Random Shanghai: In this version, you use a random number generator or a spinner to determine which number you must hit next instead of following the sequence.
  • Double Shanghai: In this version, you must hit two singles, a double, and a triple of the same number in one round to achieve a Shanghai.

7. Halve-It

Halve-It is a challenging and fun dart game that can be played by two or more players. It is a game of risk and reward, where you must hit certain targets on the board and avoid losing half of your score.

To play Halve-It, you need a scoreboard with six rows for each player and columns for each round. The rounds are numbered from 1 to 6 and have different targets assigned to them. The targets are:

  • Round 1: 20
  • Round 2: Any double
  • Round 3: Any triple
  • Round 4: Bullseye
  • Round 5: Any odd number
  • Round 6: Any even number

Each player throws three darts per turn and tries to hit the target for that round. If they hit it, they add the score of their darts to their total. If they miss it, they halve their total score (rounding up if necessary). For example, if you hit a triple 20 in round 3, you add 60 points. If you miss it, you halve your total score. If your total was 100 before your turn, it becomes 50 after your turn.

The game ends after six rounds. The winner is the one who has the highest total score at the end.

Halve-It is a game that requires both skill and courage. You must be accurate enough to hit the targets and avoid halving your score. You must also be brave enough to take risks and aim for high scores.

Some variations of Halve-It are:

  • Double Halve-It: In this version, you halve your score twice if you miss the target.
  • Triple Halve-It: In this version, you halve your score three times if you miss the target.
  • Reverse Halve-It: In this version, you start from round 6 and go backward to round 1.

For more reading about the Dartboard Reviews & Guide, and for more about Dart Sports Pro.

Closing Arguments:

These are some of the easy dart games that you can play with your friends. They are suitable for beginners and casual players who want to have some fun and improve their skills. They are also easy to set up and play with just a dartboard and a set of darts.

We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new. If you want more articles like this, please let us know in the comments below. Thank you for reading! 😊

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