Find the Perfect Footwear: Running Shoes for Heel Strikers

Looking for running shoes tailored to the unique needs of heel strikers? Find the perfect footwear with our extensive selection of shoes and expert advice.

If you are a heel striker, the type of shoe you need is slightly different than someone who lands more towards the mid-foot or forefoot. This article will review some of the best shoes for heel strikers.

What is Heal Strikers?

Heel strikers are runners who land on the heel of their foot when running. This type of running gait is common among novice and recreational runners, as it is easier to learn than other types of running gait.

Heel striking can be inefficient, however, as it can lead to a braking force that increases the impact on the runner’s body with each step. This can cause injury and fatigue over time, so heel strikers need to work on transitioning to a more efficient style of running.

To transition from heel striking, runners should focus on landing with a mid-foot strike instead. This will help reduce the impact forces and improve running efficiency. Additionally, incorporating drills into training sessions such as skipping and high knee drills can help strengthen muscles necessary for proper form while running.

Benefits of Running Shoes for Heel Strikers

Here are the benefits of running shoes for heel strikers:

  • Provides support to ankles and arches
  • Extra cushioning around the ankle area absorbs shock
  • Offers extra support to arches
  • Prevents feet from becoming tired or sore after a long run
  • Explicitly designed for heel strikers to improve performance
  • Reduces the risk of injury
  • Improves stability while running
  • Enhances overall comfort while running
running shoes for heel strikers
Image source: Canva

Characteristics of Heel Strikers (Anti heel strike shoes)

Heel strikers are runners who land on the heel of their foot during each stride. While many runners prefer to land on the midfoot or forefoot, heel striking is still viable for those who find it comfortable and don’t experience any pain. What are the main characteristics of this running style?

One key characteristic of heel strikers is that they tend to be more efficient than other runners because they use less energy with each step. Heel strikers also put less strain on their joints and muscles, which can help them avoid overuse injuries.

Essential Features in Running Shoes

Running shoes are an essential piece of equipment for anyone who runs regularly. They provide the cushioning and support our feet need to be comfortable while running. It is crucial to understand which features are essential to finding the perfect pair of running shoes for heel strikers.

The first essential feature is cushioning, especially in the heel area, where most impact occurs when running. Look for a shoe with plenty of cushioning and a midsole that provides additional shock absorption power. A sturdy outsole will also help absorb more impact energy, making it easier for your body to handle longer distances.

Good arch support is also crucial when looking for running shoes, as it helps reduce strain on your feet from any pronation or supination tendencies you might have while running.

Types of Running Shoes for Heel Strikers

  1. Neutral cushioned shoes: 
    • The first type is neutral cushioned shoes, which cushion throughout the midsole and provide an extra layer of shock absorption in the heel area. This type of footwear is ideal for long-distance runs or if you’re prone to pronation, as they offer extra balance and stability while still being lightweight.
  2. Motion control shoes: 
    • The second type of shoe that should be considered is motion control shoes, which feature a more rigid sole that helps prevent excessive pronation during runs. This type of shoe is best for runners prone to overpronation, as the additional support and firmer sole help correct this common problem.
  3. Stability shoe: 
    • The last type of running shoe is a stability shoe, which features a more rigid midsole and extra cushioning in the heel area. The stability shoe is best for runners who need extra support, either because of pronation or a past injury.

What To Look For In A Running Shoe

Shoe Comfort: When purchasing a running shoe, comfort should be your top priority. Comfort is the key to a successful running shoe purchase.

If you are not comfortable in your shoes, you won’t be able to run, and if you can’t run, it doesn’t matter how expensive your shoes are! Remember that comfort is crucial when choosing a running shoe.

  • The first thing to consider is whether your running shoes need to be broken in. If you are purchasing a new pair of shoes, it’s best to test them out right away.
  • This will give you a better idea of how they feel, whether they need to be worn in, or if you should send them back.
  • If you’re buying used shoes, it’s best first to wear them for a few short runs.
  • As a general rule of thumb, if you’re buying to wear at a race, you’ll want to wear them for at least three runs.
  • It’s best to run in the shoes on various terrain – from packed dirt trails and pavement to grass and mud. Look for a shoe with comfort, stability, and traction.
  • Some shoes are designed to be used only in water; others are not.
  • Make sure the shoe is designed for the trail you’ll be running on.
  • The most important part of your gear is that it fits properly.

Find the Right Fit (best walking shoes for heel strikers)

When finding the right running shoes, it’s essential to understand your individual needs. Heel strikers require a shoe that can provide adequate cushion and support for their feet during a run. Instead of looking for one type of shoe, look for the qualities that will give you the most comfortable experience when out for a run.

Having proper footwear is essential to avoid injury and improve performance. Considering how much support you need in your shoes depends on how hard your feet hit the ground. For heel strikers specifically, it’s good to look for shoes with an increased shock absorption feature.

Cost Considerations

When it comes to finding the perfect pair of running shoes, cost should be a major consideration. The right shoe can make all the difference in helping heel strikers find the right balance between comfort and performance. As a runner, you want to invest in quality footwear that will last for many miles and help protect against injury.

For more reading: How to choose road running shoes

Importance of Cushioning and Arch Support for Heel Strikers

For heel strikers, finding a running shoe with ample cushioning in the heel area is crucial to reduce joint impact and enhance comfort. Brands like Asics and Brooks offer various shoes with extra heel cushioning.

Good arch support is also necessary to stabilize foot strikes and prevent injuries. To ensure proper support for individual running styles, trying on multiple pairs and taking time to find the right fit is essential.


Optimizing performance in running means finding the perfect fit in footwear, especially for heel strikers. This article highlights the importance of cushioning, arch support, shock absorption, and breathability in selecting the right running shoes for heel strikers. With the right shoes, heel strikers can maximize comfort and improve overall performance.

For more about Sports Gear, and for more about Shoes.


Q. How can you tell if you’re a heel striker, and what should you look for in a shoe? The most obvious sign that you are a heel striker is the wear and tear on the soles of your shoes. If the back half of your shoe looks more worn than the front, chances are you’re a heel striker. Another telltale sign is if your body leans forward as you run.

Q. What are some of the best models on the market today? Get the Best Boston Running Shoes From These Stores. If you’re looking for the best running shoes in Boston, you want to know where to find them.

Q. How do I stop my heels from striking when I run? This is a great question. I’ve put together some of the best tips for stopping heel striking when running below. As always, if you have any other questions about this topic feel free to leave them in the comments section at the bottom of this page.

Q. Is it OK to be a heel striker? While it s true that many people are heel strikers, it is not necessarily something you have to worry about.

Q. How do I know if my shoes are the best? One of the ways to know if your shoes are the best is to see if they fit correctly. 

Q. What heel drop is best for heel strikers? A. This is one of the best questions for new runners, as it depends on your foot strike and running style.

Q. When should you transition to a mid-foot or forefoot strike? A. There is no hard and fast rule as to when you should transition, but if you are new to running, I recommend starting with a heel strike for at least a few weeks or until you have developed some endurance. 

Q. What is the ideal heel strike for a runner? A. The heel strike should be gentle, with the foot landing in front of the center of gravity and rolling forward to absorb shock. 

Q. Are Hoka shoes good for heel strikers? A. Yes, they are suitable for heel strikers. One of the best features of Hoka shoes is that they are designed to be used by heel strikers or mid-foot strikers.

Q. Best running shoes for heel strikers and overpronation? The shoes for heel strikers and overpronation are those with extra cushioning and stability features. Look for shoes that offer plenty of arch support and motion control technology to help reduce the strain on your feet and ankles. Some popular brands to consider include ASICS, Brooks, Mizuno, and Saucony.

Relevant source: National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS).

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