The Optimal Distance: How Far Do You Stand Away From A Dart Board?

Unveiling the Secret to Perfect Dart Throws: Finding Your Ideal Distance from the Dart Board. Join me on a journey to master the art of darts by uncovering the precise position for your most accurate throws. Let’s dive into expert tips together!

The optimal distance to stand from a dartboard is 237 centimeters (7 feet, 9.25 inches). This is the official distance used in professional darts matches, and it is the distance that allows players to achieve the most accurate and consistent throws.

Reasons why this distance is optimal. 

  1. First, it gives players enough room to swing their arms back and release the dart with power. 
  2. Second, it allows players to line up their shots accurately. 
  3. Third, it minimizes the risk of hitting the dartboard with their body or clothing.

Of course, not everyone can stand exactly 7 feet, 9.25 inches from the dartboard. You may need to adjust your distance slightly if you are shorter or taller than average. However, it is important to try to get as close to the official distance as possible.

How to find the best distance for you:

  • Stand at the distance where you feel most comfortable and balanced.
  • Experiment with different distances to see which gives you the most accurate and consistent throws.
  • If you have trouble hitting the dartboard, try moving closer or further away.
  • Once you have found a distance that works for you, mark it on the floor with a piece of tape or a throw line mat.
It is also important to note that the optimal distance may vary depending on the type of darts you are using. Steel tip darts are heavier than soft tip darts, so you may need to stand slightly further away from the dartboard when using steel tip darts.
Illustration showing a dartboard with highlighted official throwing distance.
Discover the optimal distance for dart throwing with our illustrated guide. Perfect your aim and technique with precision.

Dartboard height and distance in the table

Dart Type
Steel tip darts
173 cm (5 feet, 8 inches)
237 cm (7 feet, 9.25 inches)
Soft tip darts
173 cm (5 feet, 8 inches)
244 cm (8 feet)

Tips for setting up a dartboard at the correct distance:

  • Measure the distance from the floor to the center of the dartboard. This is the height at which the dartboard should be hung.
  • Measure the distance from the front of the dartboard to the back of the throw line. This is the distance at which you should stand from the dartboard.
  • Mark the throw line on the floor with tape or chalk.
  • Make sure there is enough space behind the throw line to throw your darts safely.

Why Distance Matters

  1. Proximity Impact on Interaction:
    • Physical closeness fosters in-person interactions and stronger relationships.
    • Greater distance may lead to reliance on technology, posing challenges in building trust.
  2. Optimal Throwing Distance Criteria:
    • Arm Length: Align with a natural throwing motion.
    • Vision: Ensure clear sightlines to the dartboard.
    • Control: Balance accuracy and power.
    • Consistency: Maintain a consistent throwing space for every throw.
A diagram of a man throwing a dart at a dart board with measurements of the distance between the throw line and the dart board.
This image shows the proper distance to stand away from a dart board when playing darts. The distance between the throw line and the dartboard is 2.3 meters or 7 feet 9 and 1/4 inches. The distance between the throw line and the bullseye is 2.93 meters or 9 feet 7 and 3/8 inches. The throw line is marked with a 2-foot oche.

How do I measure the correct distance for throwing darts?



  • Tape measure
  • Dart (optional)
  • Dartboard hanging securely on the wall


  1. Locate the Oche: The “oche” (pronounced “ockey”) is the line you stand behind to throw.
  2. Measure Horizontally:
    • Start measuring from the face of the dartboard (not the wall) to the front of the oche.
    • Steel Tip: Measure 7 feet, 9 ¼ inches (2.37 meters).
    • Electronic (Soft Tip): Measure 8 feet (2.44 meters).
  3. Alternative: Measure Diagonally
    • Hold a dart at the bullseye. Keep the dart vertical and secure a tape measure to it (or use a purpose-built dart distance tool).
    • Extend the tape measure diagonally to the floor until it’s taut. Where it touches the floor marks your oche position.
    • Steel Tip: 9 feet, 7 ⅜ inches (2.93 meters).
    • Electronic (Soft Tip): 9 feet, 9 ½ inches (2.98 meters).


  • Mark the oche with tape or a permanent line for easy setup.
  • Double-check your measurements for accuracy.

How to Find Your Range?

Finding your range in darts is a process of trial and error. The best way to find your range is to practice regularly and experiment with different distances. Tips for finding your range:

  • Start by standing at the standard length of 237 centimeters (7 feet, 9.25 inches) from the dartboard.
  • Throw a few darts and see where they land.
  • You can stand closer to the dartboard if you consistently hit the bullseye or the treble 20.
  • You may need to stand further away if you always miss the board.
  • Continue to experiment until you find the distance at which you are most accurate.

Other factors that can affect your range:

  • The weight of your darts. Heavier darts will fly further than lighter darts.
  • The shape and grip of your darts. Some darts are better suited for certain throwing styles.
  • Your throwing technique. The more consistent your throwing method, the more accurate you will be.

Additional tips for finding your range:

  • Use a dartboard with a target face. This will help you to see where your darts are landing.
  • Keep a scorecard. This will help you to track your progress and see how you are doing over time.
  • Practice regularly. The more you practice, the better you will find your range.

Consistency Matters

Whatever distance you find most optimal, do your best to stand in the same spot for every throw during a turn. Muscle memory will take over as your body gets used to that distance.

A few inches closer or further can differentiate between a triple 20 and a frustrating single. Stride into your throw using the same motion and launch angle.

With practice, you’ll find your accuracy dramatically improves. Though it may seem trivial, nailing down the perfect distance from the dartboard is a key to mastery.

What is the Recommended Distance to Stand from a Dart Board?

Have you ever wondered how far you should stand from a dart board for the optimal dart throwing experience? According to the World Darts Federation (WDF), the international governing body for darts, the official distance to stand away from a dart board is 7 feet 9.25 inches (2.37 meters) from the face of the board.

This measurement is calculated horizontally along the floor. So, if you’re setting up your dartboard for a game, make sure you measure out this precise distance for the best playing conditions.

The WDF website provides more information on the rules and regulations of darts and other resources for players and fans.

It is also a good idea to practice and adjust your distance according to your comfort level, as well as to try different types of darts, grips, and stances to find what works best for you.

Comparing the regulation distances for steel-tip and soft-tip darts:

Type of DartsOfficial Distance
Steel-tip darts7 feet 9.25 inches (2.37 meters)
Soft-tip darts8 feet (2.44 meters)

Darts: Tips and Tricks

  1. Practice your grip: Experiment with different ways to hold the dart to find what feels most comfortable and natural. A relaxed grip can help with accuracy and consistency.
  2. Work on your stance: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your dominant foot slightly forward. Keep your body relaxed and avoid leaning over the board.
  3. Aim for the triple 20: This is the highest scoring area of the dartboard and will give you the best chance at a high score.
  4. Follow through with your throw: As you release the dart, follow through with your arm and hand to ensure a smooth and consistent throw.
  5. Focus on your breathing: Take a deep breath before you throw and exhale as you release the dart. This can help to steady your hand and improve accuracy.
  6. Use a consistent throw: Try to replicate your throwing motion every time. This will help you to develop muscle memory which will improve your accuracy.
  7. Play with different types of darts: Try using extra darts with different weights and shapes to find what works best.
  8. Visualize your target: See the dart hitting the mark in your mind before you throw. This can help to focus on your aim and improve your accuracy.
  9. Have fun: Remember to enjoy the game, and don’t get too caught up in trying to win. The more you enjoy playing, the better you will perform. You can get the best accessories for your needs.
A flowchart that explains how to measure the distance from a dart board. (how far do you stand away from a dart board)
This flowchart explains how to measure the distance from a dart board. It shows the steps to follow depending on whether there is an oche or not. An oche is a line that marks the throw line. The distance from the oche to the dartboard is 7 feet 9 and 1/4 inches or 2.37 meters.

What you need to know about darts

Dart games are played on a dartboard, which is a piece of furniture that is positioned in the center of the room. A player tries to hit all other players with their dart, and the first player to reach the board’s edge wins. The object of the game is to make as many points as possible by hitting all of your opponent’s darts.

To beat a professional dart player, you’ll need some basic knowledge about darts. You’ll also need a good set of hands, good eyesight, and a fair amount of skills. In this article, we’re going to explore how to beat a professional dart player in just a few simple steps.

The basic strategy for playing darts

  • 1. Focus on Accuracy: Aim for consistency in your throws by practicing your aim and release technique. Aim for the specific sections of the dartboard that yield the highest points, such as the triple sections or the double ring.
  • 2. Master the Dart Grip: Experiment with different grips to find the one that suits you best. A comfortable and stable grip is crucial for maintaining control and accuracy throughout your throw.
  • 3. Start with the Big Numbers: Begin your game by targeting the larger numbers on the dartboard, such as 20, 19, or 18. Hitting these numbers early can quickly build up your score and put pressure on your opponent.
  • 4. Utilize the Triple Sections: Once you’ve established a solid base score, focus on hitting the triple sections. These areas offer the opportunity to score significant points with a single dart, allowing you to close the gap or take the lead swiftly.
  • 5. Strategic Dart Placement: Consider the position of your darts on the board strategically. Placing darts close to each other in a particular section can make it challenging for your opponent to find an open spot, potentially forcing them to aim for lower-scoring areas.
  • 6. Practice the Checkout Shots: Work on your ability to finish the game efficiently. Practice the common checkout combinations, such as 101 (T20, 1, D20) or 170 (T20, T20, Bullseye). Mastering these shots can give you a competitive edge in closing out games.
  • 7. Mental Focus and Confidence: Maintain a positive mindset, stay focused, and believe in your abilities. Confidence plays a crucial role in performing well under pressure. For more knowing about dart tips for beginners.

Dartboard length and height

A standard dartboard is 18 inches wide and 1.5 inches deep, mounted so the bull’s-eye is 5 feet 8 inches off the ground. The throw line, or oche, is set at 7 feet 9.25 inches for steel-tip darts and 8 feet for soft-tip darts, often marked by a dart mat or wood strip for floor protection.

How to throw darts accurately:

  1. Aim for the center of the target, like the bullseye, to score points.
  2. Practice with lighter darts if you struggle with aiming before using heavier ones.

How Throwing darts without looking at the board?

Before you start:

  • Warm-up: Throw a few rounds normally to get your throwing arm and body ready.
  • Safety: Clear a safe space and make sure no one is standing nearby in case of stray throws.

The Practice:

  1. Establish muscle memory: Throw a few rounds at a specific target (like the triple 20) with your eyes open. Focus on feeling your throwing motion and finding a natural rhythm.
  2. Close your eyes: Now, close your eyes and try to replicate the same throwing motion you just practiced.
  3. Focus on feel: Without sight, prioritize the feel of the dart in your hand, your body positioning, and the smooth motion of your throw.
  4. Mental Aim: Try imagining where the target is, and let your muscle memory guide the dart.
  5. Open and Analyze: Open your eyes and see where the dart landed. Analyze if it was high/low, left/right and make slight adjustments.
  6. Repeat: Continue practicing, focusing on consistent and smooth throws, rather than accuracy at first.


  • Start Close: Begin standing closer to the board to build confidence. Gradually increase the distance as you get better.
  • Smaller Target: Consider aiming for the entire treble ring instead of a single number.
  • Don’t focus on results: Focus on the process and developing your muscle memory. Accuracy will improve with time.


  • Improved natural throw: Less overthinking and more reliance on your body’s natural ability.
  • Muscle memory development: Helps you throw consistently under pressure.
  • Fun challenge: Breaks up practice routines and adds a fun element to your darting.

Do kids have a different throwing distance?

Yes, there are often adjusted distances for younger players. This promotes safety and makes the game more enjoyable for kids. Here’s a common guideline:

  • Under 8 years old: Around 5-6 feet
  • 8-12 years old: Around 6-7 feet

Important: Always supervise children playing darts, regardless of the distance.

Are there official rules for dartboard distance?

Yes! Professional and tournament play follows strict regulations:

  • Steel Tip: The oche must be 7 feet, 9 ¼ inches (2.37 meters) from the face of the board.
  • Electronic (Soft Tip): The oche must be 8 feet (2.44 meters) from the face of the board.

Organizations like the World Darts Federation (WDF) set these standards.

Is the distance different for steel tip vs. electronic darts?

Yes, there’s a slight difference:

  • Steel Tip: 7 feet, 9 ¼ inches (2.37 meters)
  • Electronic (Soft Tip): 8 feet (2.44 meters)

The reason for the difference is likely safety and game balance, as electronic boards often track scores automatically.

Common Queries:

Q: What are the different types of darts? There are three main types of darts: wooden darts, plastic darts, and metal darts. Wooden darts are the most popular type of dartboard. They’re easy to play with, and they’re often used for indoor play. Plastic darts are more difficult to hit than wooden darts, but they often look more impressive on a dart board.

Q: How do I start playing? A; The first step is to find a dart board that’s appropriate for your skill level. Next, purchase some quality darts. Once you have your set-up complete, it’s time to start playing!

Q: How do I find a dart board near me? A: There are many places to buy darts, but Amazon is one of the best places to start. Just look for the “Darts” section and you should be able to find a dart board that’s right for you. 

Q: What is the best way to clean a dart board? A: The best way to clean a dart board is with a damp cloth. You can also use some mild soap and water, but be careful not to soak the board. You should also avoid using any type of abrasive cleaners.

For more reading about the Dart Board Reviews & Guide, and more about Dart Sports Pro.

Final Words:

Are going to cover everything from how to set up your board to how to play the game and what rules you should be aware of. You must also be enjoying reading this article about Dartboard Buying Guide: Everything You Need to Know.

In addition, we will give you tips on how to beat a professional player and advice on what dimensions and sizes you should consider when building your dart board. 🎯🎉 #DartboardFun #BullseyeMagic #GameOn

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