How to Make a Velcro Dart Board: 5 Easy Steps

Learn how to make a velcro dart board in 5 easy steps with this DIY guide. You will need some basic materials and tools, and you can customize your board with different colors and features. A velcro dart board is a fun and safe alternative to the traditional dart board, and it is suitable for all ages. Find out more in this post!

Do you love playing darts but worry about the safety of the sharp tips? Do you want to have some fun with your kids without damaging your walls or furniture? If you answered yes, then you might want to try making your own velcro dart board. 

How to Make a Velcro Dart Board

A velcro dart board is a great alternative to the traditional dart board, as it uses soft balls or darts that stick to the fabric surface. It is easy to make, inexpensive, and suitable for all ages. 

In this post, I will show you how to make your own Velcro dart board in 5 easy steps.

A man making a Velcro Dart Board. (How to Make a Velcro Dart Board )

What You Will Need

To make a velcro dart board, you will need the following materials:

  • A large piece of cardboard or foam board (at least 18 inches in diameter)
  • A round or square piece of fabric (preferably felt or fleece) that is slightly larger than the cardboard or foam board
  • A pair of scissors
  • A glue gun or spray adhesive
  • A ruler and a pencil
  • A compass or a large plate
  • Velcro tape or dots
  • Soft balls or darts (you can buy them online or make your own)

Step 1: Cut Out the Board

The first step is to cut out the board from the cardboard or foam board. You can use a compass or a large plate to trace a circle on the board, or you can simply cut out a square. The size of the board depends on how big you want your dartboard to be,

but I recommend at least 18 inches in diameter for a round board or 18 by 18 inches for a square board. This will give you enough space to draw the segments and score zones later.

Step 2: Cover the Board with Fabric

The next step is to cover the board with fabric. You can use any color or pattern of fabric you like, but I suggest using felt or fleece, as it is a soft and fuzzy texture that works well with velcro. You can also use different colors of fabric to make a more interesting design. To attach the fabric to the board, you can use a glue gun or spray adhesive.

Make sure to cover the entire surface of the board and wrap the excess fabric around the edges. You can trim off any excess fabric with scissors.

Step 3: Draw the Segments and Score Zones

The third step is to draw the segments and score zones on the fabric-covered board. You can use a ruler and a pencil to mark the lines, or you can use a stencil or a template if you have one. You can also use different colors of fabric or markers to create contrast and make the segments more visible.

The number and size of the segments and score zones depend on how you want to play the game, but here is a simple example:

  • Divide the board into four equal quadrants by drawing two perpendicular lines that intersect at the center.
  • Divide each quadrant into three equal segments by drawing two more lines that are equally spaced from the center line.
  • Mark each segment with a number from 1 to 12, starting from the top right quadrant and going clockwise.
  • Mark the center circle as 25 and the small circle inside it as 50.

You can also add some additional features, such as double and triple rings, bullseye, etc., depending on your preference.

Step 4: Attach Velcro to the Board and Balls/Darts

The fourth step is to attach velcro to the board and balls/darts. You can use velcro tape or dots, depending on what you have available. Make sure to use the opposite sides of velcro for the board and balls/darts so that they can stick together.

For example, if you use velcro tape with hooks on one side and loops on the other side, then you should attach hooks to the board and loops to the balls/darts, or vice versa. You can cut out small pieces of velcro tape or dots and stick them randomly on the board and balls/darts, or you can follow a pattern if you like.

Step 5: Hang Up Your Velcro Dart Board and Enjoy!

The final step is to hang up your Velcro dart board and enjoy! You can use nails, screws, hooks, or any other method to hang up your board on a wall or a door. Make sure to choose a spot that has enough space around it for throwing and retrieving the balls/darts.

You can also add some decorations around your board, such as banners, posters, lights, etc., to create a more festive atmosphere. Now, you are ready to play some fun games with your family and friends!

For more reading about the Dartboard Reviews & Guide, and for more about Dart Sports Pro.

Closing Arguments:

Making your own Velcro dart board is a fun and effortless project that anyone can do. It is also a great way to enjoy playing darts without worrying about safety or damage. You can customize your board with various colors, patterns, and features, and you can also make your own balls or darts with different materials. You can play various games with your Velcro dart board, such as 301, cricket, around the world, etc., or you can make up your own rules. The possibilities are endless!

I hope you found this post helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Happy darting! For more reading about best dart board.

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