7 Simple Steps to Wash Sports Shoes By Hand

Sports shoes are great for keeping you active and comfortable, but they can also get dirty and smelly over time. Whether you have running shoes, tennis shoes, or sneakers, you must clean them regularly to maintain their appearance and performance. But how can you wash sports shoes by hand without damaging them?

In this blog post, I will show you how to wash sports shoes by hand in 7 simple steps. You don’t need special equipment or products, just essential household items and a little time. Follow these steps, and your sports shoes will look and smell fresh again.

How To Wash Sports Shoes By Hand?

Step 1: Remove the Laces and Insoles

The first step is to remove the laces and insoles from your sports shoes. It can allow you to clean them separately and reach the inside of the shoes more easily. You can also check the condition of the laces and insoles and replace them if they are worn out or damaged.

Step 2: Brush Off the Dirt

The next step is to remove any loose dirt or debris from the shoes’ exterior. You can use an old toothbrush, a soft-bristled shoe brush, or a dry cloth. Be gentle and avoid scratching or rubbing the material too hard. This will help to prevent stains and make the washing process more accessible.

Step 3: Make a Mild Cleaning Solution

The third step is to create a mild cleaning solution with warm water and a small laundry detergent or dish soap. Add a few drops of white vinegar or baking soda for extra cleaning power and odor removal. Mix the solution well in a bowl or bucket until it is sudsy.

Step 4: Wash the Shoes with a Sponge or Cloth

The fourth step is to wash the shoes with a sponge, cloth, or soft brush dipped in the cleaning solution. Start with the outsoles and midsoles, then move on to the uppers. Scrub gently and focus on the areas that are stained or dirty. You can use an old toothbrush to reach the crevices and corners of the shoes.

Step 5: Rinse the Shoes with Clean Water

The fifth step is to flush the shoes with clean water to remove soap residue. You can use a hose, a faucet, or a bucket of water for this. Rinse the shoes thoroughly and squeeze out any excess water from them.

Step 6: Dry the Shoes Naturally

The sixth step is to dry the shoes naturally at room temperature. Do not use a dryer, a heater, or direct sunlight, as they can damage the shape and color of the shoes. You can stuff some newspaper or paper towels inside the shoes to absorb moisture and help them retain their shape. You can also place them on a rack or hang them upside down to speed up drying.

Step 7: Clean the Laces and Insoles Separately

The final step is to clean the laces and insoles separately. You can either hand-wash them with the same cleaning solution as the shoes or machine-wash them in a mesh bag on a soft cycle with cold water and mild detergent. Then, let them air dry thoroughly before returning to the shoes.

And that’s it! You have successfully washed your sports shoes by hand in 7 simple steps. Now you can enjoy wearing your clean and fresh sp

How To Wash Sports Shoes By Hand

What is the best method to Wash Sports Shoes by hand?

  • Remove the laces and set them aside. This will allow you to clean the inside of the shoe more thoroughly.
  • Use a soft brush or toothbrush to gently scrub away any dirt or debris from the surface of the shoes.
  • Mix a short amount of mild detergent in a bowl or bucket with warm water. Dip the brush in the soapy water and continue scrubbing on it, paying extra attention to any stubborn stains.
  • Rinse them thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue.
  • Stuff the shoes with newspaper or a towel to help them maintain their shape while they dry.
  • Allow them to air dry at room temperature. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight or near a heat source, as this can cause the boots to become stiff and uncomfortable.

Note: Be sure to use a mild detergent and avoid soaking the shoes for an extended period, as this can cause the materials to break down and the shoes to misshapen.

FOREVER NEW mild detergent
Image source: FOREVER NEW Store

For more reading: Running shoes for heel strikers

Drying and Finishing Touches

Clean and comfortable sports shoes are essential for any athlete. Whether you’re a professional or recreational athlete, having a pair of shoes that are well taken care of will help you perform your best. However, cleaning and maintaining can be a tricky task. Luckily, several simple methods can clean them right at home.

Final Thoughts: Clean and Fresh Shoes

Sports shoes are an essential part of every athlete’s wardrobe. Not only do they offer comfort, but they also protect your feet as you move through different activities. Cleaning can be tricky, though – the materials used to make them might require a specific cleaning method that only some know about.

But don’t worry – in this article, we will give you all the tips and tricks you need to clean at home without compromising their shape or quality.

For more about Sports Gear, and for more about shoes.

Common Queries:

How do I clean sports shoes at home? First, you must ensure they are clean and dry before cleaning them. Then, add 1/4 cup of baking soda to a large bowl and fill it with warm water (hot water might damage the outer material). 

What are the best ways to clean sports shoes? You can use the following ways to clean: Air dry – if the shoes are not too dirty, you can leave them to air dry on a mat or other flat surface. 

What are the best detergents to use for cleaning sports shoes? The best detergents are the ones that don’t leave any residue behind. You should choose a product that can eliminate odor and dirt without damaging the outer material. 

What are the best ways to clean sports shoes at home? There are many ways to clean, but you should follow the instructions on your specific shoe brand to get the best results. You can also try these methods: Clean with mild soap – use mild soap and warm water to clean them. 

What is the best way to clean and dry sports shoes? Follow these tips: Use a toothbrush to scrub the inside of your shoes – it will help eliminate any dirt stuck there. 

Can I wash my sneakers by hand? Yes, you can wash your sneakers by hand by following these steps:

  • Remove the laces and insoles from the sneakers
  • Mix a small amount of mild detergent with warm water in a bucket or sink
  • Use a soft brush or toothbrush to scrub the sneakers, paying attention to any stains or dirt
  • Rinse the sneakers with clean water and pat dry with a towel
  • Stuff the sneakers with newspaper or a towel to help them retain their shape while drying
  • Allow the sneakers to air dry completely before wearing or lacing up. How to Clean Running Shoes – Adidas

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