Mastering the Art of Scoring Points in Dart Board

New to darts? This guide breaks down dartboard scoring, from singles and doubles to triples and the bullseye. Start playing with confidence.

Points on a Dartboard 🎯

A standard dartboard is divided into 20 numbered sections, scoring from 1 to 20 points, by wires running from the small central circle to the outer circular wire. Circular wires within the outer wire subdivide each section into single, double, and treble areas.

  • Single: Hitting the outer portion of a section scores the point value of that section.
  • Double: Hitting the thin outer portion of a section scores double the point value of that section.
  • Treble: Hitting the thin inner portion of a section scores triple the point value of that section.
  • Bull: The central circle is divided into a green outer ring worth 25 points (known as “outer”, “outer bull”, or “single bull”) and a red or black inner circle (usually known as “bull”, “inner bull” or “double bull”), worth 50 points. The term “bullseye” can mean either the whole central part of the board or just the inner red/black section.

The highest possible score in a single throw is 180 points, which is achieved by hitting three treble 20s.

Here is a table of the points scored for each section of the dartboard:

Bull (outer)255075
Bull (inner)50100150

This table represents the scoring values in a game of darts, where players aim for different sections of the dartboard to accumulate points.

Let’s take a closer look at the facts on a dartboard:

The Outer Ring (1 Point) 🔴

The outer ring of the dartboard is usually the biggest and farthest from the center. It is generally colored red or green and is worth 1 point. When you hit this outer ring with your dart, you’ll score 1 point. It’s like hitting the easiest target on the dartboard!

The Middle Ring (2 Points) 🟢

The middle ring of the dartboard is smaller than the outer ring and is usually colored green or black. It is worth 2 points. Hitting this ring with your dart will score you 2 points. It’s a little harder to hit than the outer ring, but with practice, you’ll get better!

The Inner Ring (3 Points) 🔵

The inner ring of the dartboard is smaller than the middle ring and is usually colored blue or black. It is worth 3 points. Hitting this ring with your dart will score you 3 points. It’s a bit more challenging to hit than the outer and middle rings, but it’s also more rewarding in terms of issues!

Points on a Dartboard
Image source: Canva

The Bullseye (25 or 50 Points) 🎯

The Bullseye is the center of the dartboard and is usually colored red or black. It’s the smallest target on the board but also the most valuable in terms of points! The bullseye has two parts – the outer Bull and the double Bull.

  • The Outer Bull (25 Points) 🎯🔴
  • The outer Bull is the giant circle around the Bullseye, usually worth 25 points. When your dart lands on the outer Bull, you’ll score 25 points. It’s a great score to aim for!
  • The Double Bull (50 Points) 🎯🔴🔴
  • The double Bull is the small circle in the middle of the Bullseye, and it’s usually worth 50 points! Yes, that’s right, a whopping 50 points for hitting the smallest target on the dartboard! It’s not easy to beat the double Bull, but if you do, you’ll score many points.
SectionColorPoint Value
Outer RingRed/Green1 Point
Middle RingGreen/Black2 Points
Inner RingBlue/Black3 Points
Outer BullRed/Black25 Points
Double BullRed/Black50 Points

What are the basic rules for the game of 501?


  • Players (or teams) start with a score of 501.
  • The goal is to be the first player to reduce your score to exactly zero.


  • Players take turns throwing three darts at the dartboard.
  • The value of each dart that lands in a scoring zone is subtracted from the player’s total.
  • For example, if a player’s first dart lands in the 20 section, their score is reduced by 20.

Key Points and Restrictions:

  • Busting: If a player’s score goes below zero, their turn ends immediately, and their score reverts to what it was at the start of the turn.
  • Finishing on a Double: To win, a player must reduce their score to exactly zero and their final dart must land in a double ring or the bullseye

Are there other scoring variations in darts? (Cricket, Around the Clock, etc.)

1. Cricket

  • Focus: Controlling numbers on the board.
  • How to play: Players aim to “close out” numbers 15-20 and the bullseye by hitting each three times (single, double, or triple counts). Once closed, you score points when your opponent hasn’t closed that number yet.
  • Strategy: A mix of closing out numbers quickly and defensively hitting numbers your opponents struggle with.

2. Around the Clock

  • Focus: Accuracy and hitting numbers in sequence.
  • How to play: Players try to hit the numbers 1-20 in order. Variations include doubles or triples Around the Clock.
  • Strategy: Good for practicing hitting specific areas of the board.

3. Killer

  • Focus: Elimination and high-pressure scoring.
  • How to play: Each player picks a number as their “life.” They score points by hitting their own number, and try to hit opponents’ numbers to eliminate them. Last player standing wins.
  • Strategy: A blend of aggressive scoring on your own number and tactical targeting of opponents.

Other Popular Variations

  • Shanghai: Hitting singles, doubles, and triples of numbers 1-20 in order.
  • Baseball: Score “runs” based on the number hit each inning (dart = inning).
  • Gotcha: Each player is assigned a secret number, and they try to score that number to take points from others.

How do you keep track of scores in darts?

1. Traditional Methods

  • Chalkboard or Whiteboard: The classic way! It requires manual writing and calculation but offers flexibility. Commonly, you’d have columns for each player and rows for each round of throws.
  • Pen and Paper: Simple and portable, but space can be limited, and it might get messy with erasures.

2. Technology

  • Darts Scoring Apps: Many dedicated apps exist for smartphones and tablets. These often include:
    • Automatic score calculation
    • Options for popular game types (501, Cricket, etc.)
    • Stats tracking and player history
  • Electronic Dartboards: Some high-end electronic boards have built-in scoring systems. They calculate and display scores automatically, often with additional features.

Which Method is Best?

  • Casual Play: Chalkboard/whiteboard or pen and paper are perfectly fine.
  • More Serious Play/Tournaments: Apps offer streamlined scoring and ease for multiple games.
  • Convenience: Electronic dartboards take the work out of scoring entirely.

Tips for Scorekeeping

  • Clarity: Make sure your writing is legible or the app interface is easy to use.
  • Double-checking: Have a player or spectator double-check scores to avoid errors.
  • Game Type: Choose a method suitable for the game you’re playing (some games have specific scoring formats).

Tips and Tricks for Playing Dartboard 🎯😊

Playing dartboard can be a lot of fun, and with some practice, you can improve your skills and score more points! Here are some tips and tricks to help you become a dartboard pro:

  1. Practice your aim:
    • Take your time to aim carefully and throw the dart smoothly. The more you practice, the better your dream will become.
  2. Find your grip:
    • Experiment with different grips to find the most comfortable and natural. It’s essential to have a consistent grip to improve your accuracy.
  3. Focus on one target at a time:
    • Instead of trying to hit multiple targets simultaneously, focus on one at a time. This will help you concentrate and increase your chances of hitting the desired section.
  4. Use the right dart:
    • There are different types of darts available, with varying weights, shapes, and styles. Try other darts to see which suits your best playing style and grip.
  5. Stand in the correct position:
    • Position yourself comfortably from the dartboard, with your dominant eye lined up with the target. Find a stance that maintains balance and stability while throwing the dart.
  6. Follow through:
    • A smooth and controlled follow-through is crucial for accurate dart throwing. Avoid jerky or abrupt movements and try to maintain a consistent throwing motion.
  7. Play with friends:
    • Playing with friends can be fun and help you improve your skills. You can practice different techniques, play friendly competitions, and learn from each other’s strategies.
  8. Stay relaxed and have fun:
    • Remember that dartboard is a game, and staying calm and enjoying the process is essential. Don’t get too stressed about hitting specific targets or scoring high points. The more flexible you are, the better you’ll perform.
How to calculate points in Dart

Safety First: Playing with Dartboard 🛡️

While playing dartboard is fun and exciting, prioritizing safety is essential to avoid accidents. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind while playing dartboard:

  1. Never stand in the line of fire:
    • Always ensure that no one is standing in front of the dartboard or the direct path of your throw. Darts can be sharp and can cause severe injuries if they hit someone.
  2. Handle darts carefully:
    • Darts have sharp points, so always handle them carefully. Avoid touching the issues, and never throw darts carelessly or recklessly.
  3. Create a safe playing area:
    • Make sure the area around the dartboard is clear of any obstacles or tripping hazards. Keep furniture, decorations, and other items away from the dartboard to create a safe playing environment.
  4. Supervise children:
    • If children are playing dartboard, ensure they are always supervised. Teach them about the safety rules and ensure they handle the darts safely.
  5. Store darts properly:
    • When not in use, store darts in a safe place, away from the reach of children or pets. Use a dartboard cabinet or a dartboard case to store darts safely.

Safety, including dartboard, should always be the top priority while playing any game.

Scoring Tactics in Different Game Situations

Different game situations call for different scoring tactics. Here are some strategies to help you maximize your score at various stages of the game:

  • Early Game:
    • In the early stages of a game like 501, focus on high-scoring segments like triple 20 to reduce your score rapidly.
    • Establish a comfortable rhythm and build a strong lead by accumulating as many points as possible.
  • Mid-Game:
    • As the game progresses, assess your remaining score and adjust your targets accordingly. If you’re ahead, continue targeting high-value areas to maintain your lead.
    • If you’re trailing, consider taking calculated risks by aiming for high-value segments to catch up.
  • Late Game:
    • In the final stages of a game, prioritize hitting doubles to finish. Plan your throws to leave yourself with an easy double out.
    • For example, if you have 32 points remaining, aim for double 16, which is a larger and more accessible target than some other doubles.
  • Cricket Strategy:
    • In Cricket, focus on closing high-value numbers (20, 19, 18) early in the game to build a points lead.
    • Once you have a lead, shift your focus to closing the remaining numbers and preventing your opponent from scoring.
    • Be flexible with your strategy based on your opponent’s progress and adjust your targets as needed.

Psychological Strategies

Mental toughness and focus are key components of successful dart play. Here are some psychological strategies to help you stay sharp and maximize your scores:

  • Maintain Concentration:
    • Stay focused on the task at hand, and avoid distractions. Develop a pre-throw routine to help maintain consistency and concentration.
    • Visualize your dart hitting the target before each throw to reinforce positive outcomes.
  • Stay Calm Under Pressure:
    • Pressure situations, such as needing a double to win, can be challenging. Practice deep breathing and relaxation techniques to stay calm and composed.
    • Trust in your practice and abilities, and avoid overthinking your throws.
  • Positive Self-Talk:
    • Use positive self-talk to boost your confidence. Remind yourself of past successes and focus on your strengths.
    • Replace negative thoughts with constructive and encouraging messages to maintain a positive mindset.


Dartboard is an exciting game that requires skill, accuracy, and practice. Understanding the points on a dartboard and following tips and tricks can help you improve your skills and score higher points. Always prioritize safety while playing dartboard and create a safe playing environment. So, grab your darts, aim carefully, and have fun playing this thrilling game!

For more reading about the Dartboard Reviews & Guide, and for more about Dart Sports Pro.

And remember, always prioritize safety and follow the rules of the game. Now, it’s time to show off your dartboard skills and aim for that Bullseye! Happy playing! 🎯😊

Common Queries: (Points on a Dartboard)

Q. What are the points on a dartboard?

A dartboard has 20 numbered sections, ranging from 1 to 20, arranged in a circular pattern. Each team has its point value, with the outermost ring (the double ring) worth double the points and the innermost ring (the triple ring) worth triple the points. The Bullseye in the center is worth the highest points.

Q. What is the best grip for throwing darts?

The best grip for throwing darts is subjective and varies from person to person. Experiment with different grips to find the most comfortable and natural for you. A consistent grip is essential to improve your accuracy and control over the dart.

Q. How far should I stand from the dartboard?

The standard distance for playing darts is 7 feet 9.25 inches (2.37 meters) from the front of the dartboard. However, you can adjust the length depending on your skill level and preference. The key is to find a comfortable space to maintain balance and stability while throwing the dart.

Q. What should I do to improve my aim in dartboard?

To improve your aim in the dartboard, practice regularly and focus on your throwing technique. Take your time to aim carefully and throw the dart smoothly. Experiment with different grips, stances, and throwing styles to find what works best for you. The more you practice, the better your aim will become.

Q. Is dartboard a safe game to play?

Dartboard can be a safe game if you follow the rules and prioritize safety. Always ensure that no one is standing in front of the dartboard or the direct path of your throw. Handle darts with care and store them safely when not in use. Supervise children while they play and create a safe playing environment by keeping the area around the dartboard clear of any obstacles. For more read about scores on the dart board.

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